Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Isreal Vs Gaza ?

Ever since Isreal started pounding bombs on Gaza boarder, there have been some international reaction. I agree it is never humanitarian act to kill civilians, but isn't any contry has right to protect their citizens ?, so does Isreal.

Isreal is too small to shrink, they can't afford any attacks from countries around it. Sharing boarders with about half dozen muslim countries is not a joke, India never reacted in such a aggresive way with neighboring country, we all know what is happening to citizen of India...

What will happen now ?, it is pretty obvious Arab countries will try to support Gaza, they don't fight directly with USA or Isreal or any high profile countires, simply they would support Gaza. That draws away international attention from India-Pakistan relationship, which is been getting stressfull. Iran got a reason to gather muslims around the world to support Hamas....

What does the Analysis say ?
Meanwhile, the diplomatic arena is quiet. Israel discounts today's meeting of European Union foreign ministers and the urgent calls from the United Nations secretary general and the foreign ministers of Britain and France for an immediate cease-fire. No senior envoy is on the way to Israel to stop the fighting. The Bush White House is very pleased with the blow struck against Hamas

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